gain the knowledge and skill to become the best dancer you can be.

physical therapist
and lifelong dancer

I use my expertise and evidence based practice to foster young dancers, help dancers of all ages and backgrounds recover from injury, and teach group classes for dancers to gain knowledge about biomechanics and related exercises they can do to enhance performance.

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my philosophy

“We don’t all have to become professional dancers, and even if we do, it will not last forever. But we can always dance.

Dancing does not require a stage, a milonga, an audience, high heels, or even a partner. It is an activity that comes from the soul, and needs no formality to be enjoyable.”

This site contains general recommendations for dance, and may not be appropriate for some individuals.  For those who have an injury or pain, a medical doctor or provider should be seen for a definitive diagnosis and general health screening before starting any exercise or training regimen. This may be followed by a physical therapy appointment (with a Licensed Physical Therapist) before starting any group classes or following any general recommendations for exercise.